Euphorbia helioscopia

Euphorbia helioscopia

(family: euphorbiaceae, madwoman’s milk or wartweed)


© 2022 SofoSoma:

A remedy for memory, recollection and the brain (specifically the parietal lobe).

It improves memory

It calms the nervous system after shock or trauma as it acts on the parietal lobe, the brain structure that receives, discriminates, connects and integrates the stimuli of all the senses (sight, smell, touch, proprioception, interoception, kinesthesia) and connects them to multiple other brain centers. This can prevent further dissociation and/or the onset of post-traumatic shock symptoms.

It helps to bring up implicit memory as the parietal lobe is the “memory repository” of all the body’s somato-sensory-motor experiences. This is done in a gentle way and not as flash-back.

It helps to ‘sort out’ our internal affairs as the parietal lobe is also involved in the perception of mathematical and symbolic concepts and is responsible for the ability to think abstractly. This seems to be done mainly through dreaming (when taking the essence). Julia Graves states that the milk (milk latex) of plants indicates the Moon as a signature (according to R. Steiner’s Old Moon idea) and as a lunar substance is associated with dreams and sleep.